If you’ve been using an electric chain hoist or electric wire rope hoist for handling the heavy material, it’s important to have a preventive maintenance program that would be based on the crane manufacturer’s recommendations. Preventive hoist inspections and maintenance help fulfill OSHA regulatory requirements for maintenance. OSHA requires annual inspections. They also require equipment to be maintained on a scheduled basis, complete with dated records, according to the equipment duty cycle and the manufacturer’s requirements. Keeping your hoist in service and a peak operating condition should be one of the top priorities for safety, maintenance, or operations personnel at any job site or industrial facility. Frequent and periodic inspections help to keep hoist equipment operating at top efficiency.
The preventive inspection identifies the risks to preventing hoist accidents and also the breakdown time. It also identifies the chances for hoist performance and safety. Advanced overhead crane’s vast experience and expertise allow us to tailor preventive maintenance to each chain and wire rope hoist manufacturer’s recommendations.
Advanced overhead crane works with you to customize the right amount of routine maintenance and inspection for every crane. Our routine maintenance has been designed to perform maintenance work, such as adjusting and lubricating, with the intent of satisfying manufacturers’ maintenance instructions. Routine chain and wire rope hoist maintenance can help reduce component wear and unplanned stoppages and maintain equipment performance and availability.
Mon – Fri: 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sat - Sun: Closed
24-Hour Emergency Services